The Resilient Training Lab Podcast

RTL92- Training Through Seasons of Life

Paul Milano

This month we are talking all about fitting training into your busy schedule. Life can go through busy seasons so we are here to talk all about how you can still fit in training so that you are at least meeting the CDC's physical activity guidelines. Paul and Ryan go over what those guidelines are and different ways of meeting them. They also discuss how training can look different depending on the season of life or time of year and how we can turn our life dials up and down to help manage stress, but still stay active and maintain our health. For part 2, they bring Amanda LaCroix on to talk about how she managed training while going through an accelerated nursing program and when she started working night shift at the hospital. Give this episode a listen to get some tips and ideas on how you can still fit training into your schedule even when it seems like life is crazy busy.